Blog: How a customer-centric supply chain planning strategy leads to true strategic value

Supply chain professionals are in the business of problem-solving. During the pandemic, agile supply chain planning helped companies pivot to handle disruptions and demand challenges to navigate closer toward a new version of “normal” operations. Organizations began to view the supply chain as more than a cost center, but rather a key strategic factor to compete and thrive in a fluctuating global market.

Blog: 4 Pandemic-Proven Lessons to Keep Association Members Engaged

As October approaches, we’re almost 10 months into one of the most challenging years in anyone’s memory. At AJA Marketing, we work closely with a number of associations and small firms and yes, we did walk clients through a few rough patches in 2020. Yet, we’ve also witnessed some best practices in action. We’ve seen associations retain most of their members. In fact, some associations even saw increases in membership.

LinkedIn article: Turning over a new procurement career leaf

At some point, every supply management practitioner will find him or herself taking on something new. It could be a shift in job responsibilities, like handling a new sourcing category. It could be a new position or opportunity either within the same organization, or somewhere new. It might even be a new career path altogether. Whatever the situation, there are some challenges inherent in handling dramatic changes to an everyday routine. It can be exciting and stressful at the same time.

Blog: Delivering the U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree with Whitewood Transport

Right now, Mike Wilson is on the road. That’s nothing new for him — after all, he’s the longtime owner and operator of Whitewood Transport Inc., a carrier located in Billings, Montana. Whitewood specializes in transporting construction, mining and other large equipment for several shippers throughout North America. At the moment, Wilson’s company is moving something very unique: the 2017 U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree.

Blog: Skipping a Weigh Station Can Cost You Plenty

Even if a truck is equipped with a weigh station bypass system, there is always the possibility it may be required to pull into such a facility for a variety of reasons. This can be frustrating for drivers, because this extra time can put a truck behind schedule. However, if you’ve ever considered trying to sneak past a weigh station, despite being directed to pull in — or considered telling a driver in your fleet to do so — take a moment, and think again.

Blog: HELP Inc. Sponsors Truckers Against Trafficking Initiative Through AZ Partnership

In the fight to crack down on human trafficking and exploitation crimes, truckers are an invaluable resource. A large number of these crimes take place along our nation’s highways and interstates and that’s why truckers are in a unique position to help. Truckers Against Trafficking (TAT) partners with many law enforcement agencies around the country to train truck drivers to recognize and report instances of human trafficking, and on January 17 a new partnership was announced in downtown Phoenix...
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